How does our peer coaching programme work?

Let's start with what coaching is. We'll then explain the nuances of peer coaching. Finally, we'll outline our approach to peer coaching. Just scroll down!

What is coaching?

Coaching is a conversation-based approach to help someone get from where they are right now to where they want to be.

It is based on a beautiful paradigm – that all people are creative, resourceful and whole.
As such, it is 100% non-advisory. You don't tell the person what to do, you help them figure out their next step for themselves.

How? Mostly, by providing them with a space to think – listening intently, repeating back to them what you've heard, highlighting key threads and asking them insightful open-ended questions. You may also share relevant experiences or observations that broaden the coachee's perspective.
We cannot teach people.
We can only help them discover it within themselves.
Galileo Galilei

How is peer coaching different?

In a traditional coaching relationship, the coach is a professionally trained individual who offers their undivided attention to their client. The client is paying the coach for their service.

Peer coaching is a process whereby two people at a similar level take turns to coach each other during the same session, without paying each other. They have a basic understanding of the coaching principles and follow guiding frameworks to run their sessions.

The two are complementary – peer coaching often helps a person deepen their awareness of what they may need to tackle with a professional coach or a therapist.

Where peer coaching shines

  • Having a space to talk things out loud, so you can process them and find a way forward
  • Having someone to notice the things you keep repeating and may choose to ignore
  • Having an accountability partner who challenges you and helps you stick to your goals

Where peer coaching struggles

  • Not paying for sessions makes it much easier to bail out when you most need the session
  • Slipping into chat or advisory mode, in the absence of clear frameworks and guidelines
  • Dealing with complex issues identified, better suited to be discussed with a coach or therapist

Our approach to peer coaching

We combine the human intelligence, technology and data to minimise the challenges and maximise the benefits
Step 1

Find a like-minded, inspiring peer

  • We'll suggest to you a few peers who we think you will work well with
  • You'll then have 2-3 discovery calls to meet peers and decide
  • OR you can join with a peer who you already know and would like to work with
step 2

Learn how to peer coach

  • Join a 3-hr group workshop to learn & practise key coaching techniques with your peer
  • Get assigned an experienced coach as your 'pair facilitator' to help you improve your sessions and coaching skills
  • Learn-by-doing with our in-app professionals coaching frameworks and AI capabilities
step 3

Get a high ROI from your sessions

  • Book 1-hr sessions every 2 weeks or 2-hr sessions every 3 or 4 weeks
  • Use our web app to run your sessions more easily, learn to coach faster and facilitate post-session accountability
  • Get detailed feedback from your pair facilitator and our AI-powered session analyser